RO water purifiers, in combination with technologies like UV, UF, and MF, remove almost all commonly found impurities like: mud, sand, dust, bacteria, virus, cysts, and excess dissolved solids like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorides, and heavy metals like lead, arsenic, fluoride etc.
Buying a new water purifier for your home has to be a well thought out decision as your entire family’s health depends on drinking pure water.
* Why Alkaline Water ..
WHO (World Health Organization) says that today our body needs pure air, pure water, pure food and 60 to 80 minerals, 46 nutrients of 40 and enzymes, which we are not getting in full today.
Do you know that in our everyday life, the cells and cells in our body are damaged and most of the time it has been observed that we are not able to get the amount of nutrients in our food according to the needs of the body. Today, in this polluted environment and runaway life, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart attack are very common problems which also affects our lifestyle. Increasing the yield of milk, fruits and vegetables through chemical fertilizers and spraying is very harmful for our body and which reduces our immunity, internal force and energy level day by day. It increases the chances of getting an infection, such as viral fever, colds and colds, fever, weakness, fatigue, lack of interest in work. Most of the problems of TDS are caused by toxins and these toxins are the result of polluted water, air and food.
Today, every household is troubled by some or the other problem.
Do you know any person who is troubled by any problem / disease mentioned below (even if the doctor has given the answer).
1- Sugar (diabetes)
2- Blood pressure (B. p.)
3- Heart disease
4- Cholesterol
5- Cancer
6- Asthma
7- Paralysis
8- Swine Flu
9- Thyroid
10- Migraine
11- Fatigue
12- Arthritis
13- Arthritis
14-joint pain
15- Back pain
16- Body pain
17- Sexual problem
18- Obesity
19- Skin / skin diseases
20- Psoriasis
23- Piles
24- Acidity
25- Respiratory relations
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